We are a flexible project supporting company with vast experience in various economic sectors. The success of any project is determined by meeting the clients expectation through the Deployment of effective management systems and processes, hands-on management, communication and finally service satisfaction.
Rapid coring SA (Pty) Ltd was established in 2015 and with it’s partnership in Cape Town has a combined experience of over 23 years in construction and 11 years in diamond drilling within blue chip corporates.
We strive to deliver the best service within our sector and looking forward to building a strong and successful business relationship with you, our customer. All references listed below were done in the Gauteng area and have recently set up premises to service the Western Cape.
Diamond Core Drilling
The following two different drilling techniques are implemented on construction sites:
Using diamond tipped core barrels from 12mm – 600mm in diameter drilling through brick, asphalt and heavily reinforced concrete for normal openings:
We specialise in the following concrete cutting techniques: